Makeup? No. Method acting. If you watched the latest episode of "Chicago Fire" last night ( Season 2 Episode 20: A Dark Day ) I bet you're probably thinking what everyone else is thinking: Who was that incredible actor with the surprisingly subtle (but inspiring) character arc? Well, the media pressure has been too great and I don't think I can stay quiet much longer, so I've decided to break my silence on this front and come forward (on my own terms). It was me. That's right. Over the course of three days of filming I created that mysterious character that you were all breathlessly watching last night throughout this first episode of what's going to be a three-part story (crossing two episodes of "Chicago Fire" and one of "Chicago P.D."). Now, because the character arc IS so subtle I thought I would break it down here for those who may have missed some of the more nuanced character development (it is a fast-paced episod...
Some stuff about Chicago.