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Showing posts from May, 2013

Ridge Run Challenge (10K & 5K) in Beverly

I ran the Ridge Run Challenge this morning. In case you're like me from a few weeks ago and don't  know what that means, I'll give you a bit more info. The Ridge Run is both a 5K and a 10K racing event in Beverly (near Ridge Park). The Ridge Run Challenge is where you run both races (10K at 8 and 5K at 9:30). It's a pretty awesome idea - and a set-up like this probably would have saved us a lot of time back in February when we did the First Annual February Fool's Goal Half Marathon/Debacle . This may exist with other races, but I've never heard of a race with multiple distances coordinating it so that participants could run both of them (this did involve them shutting down the finish line for the 10K after 1:20 - so if you're 10K pace puts you behind that finishing time... this race is not for you). I don't need to go into too much back story about the race though, since I think my Newcity review covers most of it, most importantly that the 10K is th...

Chicago Spring Half Marathon & 10K in pictures

So after my crowning running achievement yesterday , I woke up this morning ready for a more standard run (as in, me being more towards the middle of the pack than the front) and headed to Lakeshore East for the Chicago Spring Half & 10K (specifically the 10K part of that). I originally had planned to run the half but after dealing with my IT band issues I decided to transfer to the 10K (which took an extra 10 seconds at packet pick-up - really convenient). The secondary benefit, aside from not having to stress my leg out, was that the 10K started at 7:30 (the half started at 7) so I got to sleep in a bit more as well. Just like last year , base-camp was set up in The Park at Lakeshore East.

Winning a 5K and Being "That Guy" - P.A.A.W.R. to Empower 5K in pictures

Some organizations are not quite ready to organize 5Ks. And Pan-African Association (a group that provides "services and programs that benefit refugee and immigrant individuals and families") is one of those organizations. They have a great group of volunteers, an ideal location for a race and plenty of other well-organized family activities around the race (including dance lessons, kid's races, etc.). And though this was the second annual P.A.A.W.R. to Empower 5K (Pan-African Association Walk & Run to Empower Refugees and Immigrants), there was very little in the sense of "organization" around the 5K, which was scheduled to start at 10:30 (see schedule below) but didn't get going until 11:10. (seriously? 40 minute delay? yes, seriously). The "official" race schedule But before I start describing the bad parts of this event and sound like the Type-A runner that I am, I'd like to talk about all the good stuff. And there's plenty...

5K March to College in pictures

Tonight I ran my first mid-week evening race of the 2013 season. I really love evening races and I'm glad the season for them has finally arrived (along with the weather to support them). The race was the 5K March to College and this was the second annual running of the race (price: $35). I wanted to run this race last year but it didn't work out so I'm glad I could fit it in this year. Also, I started physical therapy for my knee yesterday morning (really my IT band - I know, I know, I'm a stereotypical runner with a stereotypical running injury) and already feel a bit better... which is good because I'm running a 5K on Saturday ( PAAWR to Empower ) and a 10K on Sunday ( Chicago Spring 10K - I transferred down from the half because of my knee). So anyway, below is a photo-filled breakdown of the 5K March to College from this afternoon. The whole point of the race, organized by Center for Companies That Care , is to increase "college graduation rates a...

Race to Wrigley 8th Annual 5K Run in pictures

The Race to Wrigley is an interesting beast. It's an odd mix of a big-time, corporate race (after all, it's tied in with the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field and involves blocking off some major streets) but it also has an air of a smaller charity run (the shirt is polyester and rather plain and it's put on by Chicago Cubs Charities and proceeds - this year at least - went to Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago). The price falls right in the middle as well: $40 for timed and $35 for un-timed. This morning, the run was kicked off with a warm-up by WGN's Dina Bair and The Biggest Loser's Danni Allen (I was lucky enough to get to talk to both of these lovely ladies just before they went out to introduce the race). Unfortunately, I missed their stage time because I was waiting in the incredibly long gear check line, which was hopelessly understaffed. The line was slowed down even more by the new security measure of volunteers looking through runners' bags befo...

Cinco de Miler in pictures

Last weekend I was in Zihuatanejo, Mexico for a friend's wedding, so it seemed only fitting to be running the Cinco de Miler this weekend as a follow-up. I had a good time last year and have been looking forward to running it again (though not as a double-header with C4Miles and not even as a back-to-back run with the  Run to Remember ). I enjoyed both those races last year but both were yesterday morning and I was volunteering with the Northwest Side Housing Center to clean up a vacant lot (because I'm a really outstanding citizen, okay). Also, my knee has been hurting and I figure I better not push it more than I already am by running multiple races for a while. This is what happens when you turn 30 I guess...