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Newcity Top 5 of Everything 2012 - Running Categories

So, as you may remember, in November Newcity released its Best of Chicago 20th anniversary edition and I had a number of running-themed items in there. Last month (last year at this point), Newcity released its 2012 Top 5 of Everything issue.

To view Newcity's entire Top 5 list for 2012 (there's some good stuff over there), follow the link above, but below are the two running-themed lists that I submitted. While I didn't run every race in Chicago last year, I ended up finishing out the year with a total of 45 races under my belt (only the Athens Classic Marathon was outside Chicagoland) and I feel pretty good about these choices.

Top 5 Chicago 5K Races of 2012
Ravenswood Run (April 29)
Chinatown 5K (July 14)
Terrapin 5K (August 2)
Burgers & Beer 5K (August 20)
Carrera de los Muertos (November 3)

Top 5 Chicago Races Longer Than a 5K of 2012
Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K (March 25)
Cinco de Miler (May 6)
Soldier Field 10 Mile (May 26)
Proud to Run 10K (June 23)
Chicago Rock n Roll Half Marathon (July 22)

So here's to 2012! And now I'm ready for the 2013 running season. It's not an official "resolution" or anything, but I'm hoping I can reach 52 races this year and actually average a race a week. Crazier things have happened.


  1. THANK GOD Hot Chocolate did not make this list. I'm surprised the Chicago Marathon didn't make the Longer Than 5K list, but maybe not enough people run it?

  2. Hot Chocolate did not score high on my list this year. Oddly enough, it tied for best race on our reader poll - my guess is because a lot of first time runners ran it and voted? Not sure...

    Good catch on the marathon. The Chicago Marathon probably should be on here but when we did the "Best Of" issue we specifically left it off (the category was actually "Best race other than the marathon") so I decided to leave it off this list as well... I probably should have made that category "Top 5 Chicago Races Longer Than a 5K (but Shorter Than a Marathon)"!

  3. Love your blog! Love reading about the local races that I am familiar with.

    I love most of the races in the list: Carrera de los Muertos, Shamrock Shuffle, and Soldier Field 10 Mile.

    I am thinking of running this year the Cinco de Miler but despise anything having to do with Cinco de Mayo. I know, I need to get over it.

    52 races this year huh? I am impressed! I am focusing on half marathons this year..all out of state.


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