Did anyone else watch the ING New York City Marathon Opening Day live stream yesterday at 11 (noon EDT)? I watched about ten minutes of it and got appropriately psyched for the race but then when they closed the login site so that you couldn't check your own status I decided to stop watching.
Originally they updated it to say that the site would reopen this morning at 10am, but yesterday afternoon I tried again and was able to login to my account. That's when I found out that...
I didn't get in.
But then my wife logged in and she saw this little badge:

So she is in for 2012!
Here's the funny thing: over the last four years both my wife and I have entered the marathon lottery. And somehow, one of us has gotten in each year:
- 2009: Me
- 2010: Her
- 2011: Me
- 2012: Her
In other race news, Fleet Feet Sports Soldier Field 10 Mile announced a "draft" this morning where they offer a "signing bonus" to anyone who gets their friends to sign up for the race over the next several days, on the following referral scale:
- Thursday, April 26th only: $15/per registration
- Friday, April 27th only: $10/per registration
- Saturday, April 28th: $5/per registration
- Sunday, April 29th: $5/per registration
Very interesting marketing plan. I think I like it. But while I can definitely see this getting those already registered to promote the race to friends, I wonder if it's enough impetus to get people to register. I would think it would need to be combined with some kind of discount for the registrant as well.
Anyway... speaking of Fleet Feet, on Tuesday afternoon I was running home from work (stopped at Fleet Feet to pick up my race packet for this weekend's Ravenswood Run) when a guy in front of a building at La Salle and Division waved two tickets at me and yelled "Hey! You want Cubs tickets?!?"
I stopped running and walked over to him. He waved them again and handed them to me, saying "Free tickets. I shit you not."
Unfortunately the game started about 30 minutes after he gave them to me so I wasn't able to make it, but it was still cool to get tickets. And I heard the next day that the game went into extra innings, so I probably should have just showed up late. Oh well.
Thanks for the tickets random guy!
"Free tickets. I shit you not." |
Free tickets?? Now that is the life! I was once at a bulls playoff game, in like the very last row, and a guy who had to leave suddenly gave us his tickets - for the 6th row! It was insane.